City of Los Alamitos
- City Council
- Commissions
- City Hall / Office and Staff / Administration
- Los Alamitos Police Department
- Parks, Recreation and Community Development
- Facilities Reservations (Parks, Gymnasiums, Playgrounds, Picnic areas, Community Center) Recreation & Community Services562-430-1073
- Development Services (Planning, Building & Safety, Public Works, and Engineering)
- Staff
- Business Licenses
- Development Services 562-431-3538, ext. 301
- Building & Safety 562-431-3538, ext. 302
- Code Enforcement 562-431-3538, ext. 304
- Economic Development 562-431-3538, ext. 203
- Planning Division 562-431-3538, ext. 303
- Public Works 562-431-3538, ext. 301
- Report a problem
- Los Alamitos Unified School District
- OC Fire Authority – Orange County Fire Authority714-891-8239
- OC Public Library
- Rossmoor-Los Alamitos Sewer District
- Animal Control
- Mosquito & Vector Control
- Street Sweeping
- Trash Collection
- Utilities
- So Cal Edison
- Golden State Water
- Universal Waste
- Cable TV
- Spectrum Cable
- Frontier Communications
The governance of Rossmoor gets a little complicated
- RCSD Board
- RCSD General Manager
- Policing
- Recreation
- Rossmoor Homeowners Association
- Orange County Supervisor Andrew Do
- Orange County Community development / Public Works
- Report a Problem
Seal Beach
- City Council
- City Hall / Office and Staff
- Seal Beach Police
- Recreation and Community Development
- Public Works
- Seal Beach Lifeguards
- Report a problem
Orange County Fire Authority
OC Libraries
OC Flood Control
Los Alamitos School District
Field Rental
Los Alamitos High School
McAuliffe Middle School
Oak Middle School
Hopkinson Elementary
Lee Elementary
Los Alamitos Elementary
McGaugh Elementary
Rossmoor Elementary
Weaver Elementary
St. Hedwig School
As noted before the original plans for Rossmoor included adjacent parts of Los Alamitos and Seal Beach. Thus when Rosmoor’s plans were first presented, the drawings called for eight schools.
Rossmoor, Weaver, Lee, Rush, Hopkinson. Two additional elementary sites were never constructed, The original plans called for a middle school to be constructed at the southeast corner of Orangewood and Los Alamitos Blvd, but state laws prevented a public school site so close to the airbase. where as was One sight was named but never became a school — and eventually was sold to the community as Rossmoor Park. At the end of the 79-1980 school year, the Rush Park site schIn 1979 Wilson
Orange County
Supervisor Andrew Do (1st District)
Orange County Sheriff
Rossmoor Homeowners Association